Portland first time judges have tied protest ban to avoiding jail sentence:


  As I was reading reports that judges and magistrates in the Federal District Court in Portland, OR have been handing out sentences to protesters arrested by President Trump’s Homeland Security goons that included bans on future protest in Oregon, I suddenly had a sense of deja vu. Back in October 1967, when I was …

Unsung heroes of Los Alamos:


  75 years ago before dawn on July 16, 1945, a cataclysmic explosion shook the New Mexico desert as scientists from the top-secret Manhattan Project tested their nightmarish creation: the first atom bomb, called “the Gadget.” This birth of the Nuclear Age, was quickly followed a few weeks later, first on August 6 by the …


That’s a lie The first sip isn’t sweet But with the first sip Everything else just Smacks of sweet I’m just saying My first sip says Life is sweet The second sip says That was then Third sip Toughen up mister The last sip is Strong bitter cool And I get to thinking I remember …

Dedicated to thiscantbehappening collective

Our Beating Drums

Midst happy folk Midnight Congo-drumming whirling dancing Raw sugar rum swirling Stars sparkle together Sea surges as one Trees intertwine No colors divide All are one Revolutionary Cuba Che’s home of love Home of health for all Mississippi Freedom Summer Fight for Equal Rights All are one Yet in this planet divided Power is separation …

Your heard it here: Give the shove to the 2001 and 2002 AUMFs

Defending the US Against Looming Presidential Dictatorship

薄荷加速器PC版-薄荷免费网游加速器 正式版-新云 ...:2021-2-27 · 下载薄荷免费网游加速器 正式版 普通下载地址: 资源已下架 薄荷免费网游加速器 正式版资源已下架 上线后小编会在第一时间通知大家。

Trump sics armed federal thugs on Portland protesters

Watching Constitutionally Protected Freedoms Die in Oregon

Update:  Oregon’s two senators and two members of the House from the state are calling on the Inspectors General of the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice into the excessive use of violence and of secretive behavior and lack of idendification of federal “paramiitary” police in Portland.    One of the most clear …

Epidemic Epistle X: A COVID-19 crisis diary by TCBH! members


Covid-19, you have done a number on me as a poet! For that I am cautiously grateful. I don’t think I can ever get back to My old pre-Covid relationship to poetry Even if I wanted to, Which I’m not sure I do. The pandemic hasn’t made me a better poet, However that might be …

Unusual bestial Murder of a black Man by white supremacists

Denmark Authorities in Denial about Racist Violence

Shelter murder scene memorial Strøby Egede, Denmark — Swastika-tattooed lower leg pressed upon the victim’s chest, knee thrust under his Adam’s apple. Blood flow cut off. Heart pumps out. Knife slashes, body burns, tree branch bashes spurting blood over his body, eye popping partially out. After prolonged torture, perhaps hours long, African-Danish-born Phillip Mbuji Johansen …

Dave Lindorff interviewed about Trump's and Barr's 'Occupy Model' plans for crushing anti-police movement

US Justice Department is Classifying Anti-Police Movement as Terrorism

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Article in FAIR.org

NY Times Acknowledges Need for Economic Change—Without Crediting Those Who Would Bring It

(This article by Dave Lindorff appears in Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting where it can be read in its entirety)   Online readers of the New York Times might have been forgiven if, when they got to the editorial section on June 24, they thought they had accidentally jumped to the website of Socialist Action, or at least The …